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Digital Dread: Navigating the Aftermath of a Data Breach

Written by Koppinger & Associates | Feb 23, 2024 3:53:12 PM

Respond, Reset, Rebuild: Restoring Order after a Data Breach

An employee opens a phishing e-mail that infiltrates their centralized network.  Anti-virus software failed to keep out the malicious code, exposing sensitive company and customer data.  Instead of immediately resorting to panic, pause for a moment, take a deep breath, and understand how to navigate the aftermath of a data breach.  Each data breach is unique, and the response may need to be tailored based on the nature of the incident, however the following steps offer guidance on what to do after a data breach.  

General steps to take after a data breach:

  1.  Assess the situation to determine the validity of the incident
  2.  Notify important parties
    • local authorities
      • be prepared to provide in-depth information regarding the overall scope and severity of the cyber incident
    • cyber liability insurance carrier/broker
      • many cyber insurers mandate policyholders to contact them immediately upon discovering an incident
  3. Coordinate with vendors after communicating with the insurance carrier/broker
    • some insurers may have pre-negotiated rates with certain vendors that can help minimize costs incurred during claims
    • legal counsel to assist in determining applicable data compliance standards for recording and reporting the loss or exposure of sensitive information
    • forensic investigators to identify perpetrators and assist with data recovery
    • system recovery professionals to support the organization's IT department to reduce downtime and limit lost income
    • crisis communication experts to adopt a plan for handling any public relations concerns related to the incident
  4. Mitigate the incident and document associated expenses
    • vendor invoices and statements of work (SOWs) that pertain to restoration costs
    • IT receipts to document cost of repair damaged systems or replacing hardware
    • business interruption calculations, consult sales and operations teams to ensure accurate calculations
    • other recorded expenses such as temporarily elevated production and labor costs
  5. Resolve the incident and determine key takeaways
    • review where the incident originated
    • evaluate whether any organizational failures or shortcomings played a role in the event

Having a deeper understanding of the steps to take after a data breach helps navigate potential incidents easily and keep related losses under control.  Remember, knowledge is power, especially when it comes to safeguarding your digital assets.  Stay informed, stay proactive, and stay protected.

Navigate the Breach, Connect for Resources: Contact Team Koppinger
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