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IMPORTANT:  Court Decision on Sick Leave Mandate

Written by Koppinger & Associates | Jan 30, 2023 2:01:00 PM

Breaking News to our K&A Update published December 14, 2022

The MI Court of Appeals has upheld the current Michigan Paid Medical Leave Act (PMLA)

What this Means:

  • The Court of Appeals has sided with the legislature.
  • The Court of Claims stay has been reversed effective immediately. 
  • Michigan businesses will not be forced to make significant changes to their paid time off policies (PTO) and procedures effective February 19, 2023.  
  • Michigan businesses with fewer than 50 employees remain exempt from the minimum paid sick leave requirement.

What's Next:

  • Many legal experts anticipate this decision to be appealed to the Michigan Supreme Court. It is unclear whether the Court will hear the case.
  • Unless the Michigan Supreme Court subsequently decides to take up and reverse the Court of Appeals decision or the Legislature takes action, PMLA law effective March 29, 2019 remains unchanged.  

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